Tuesday, January 15, 2013

My kids begin the grappling journey, sort of.

I've trained in some form of martial arts since I was 18 and seeing as I am 43 now, I guess that means I've been doing it for a very long time. And yet I know practically nothing about kids martial arts training. I do know that it was always my intention for them to try out martial arts but not at the expense of pushing them to do it if they don't want to.

So it was handy that a new judo club aimed at kids opened up close to my home with a working parent friendly timetable and cheap prices. I checked and they are totally legit members of the British Judo Council and British Judo Association and their head dojo in St Albans has been running for some 60 years!

Another benefit of them learning judo is that I am less likely to jump in and 'take over' as I know little about judo compared to BJJ. Still, witnessing their very first lesson, I couldn't help but feel a swell of personal pride. Y'see my kids are very shy and hate doing anything or going to anywhere new. It's a trauma taking them to swimming lessons even. I knew that taking them to something as strange and alien as a dojo staffed by people wearing white pyjamas was a risking putting them off for life.

In the end, my fears were unfounded. The class was run in an excellent manner. There were lots of seniors around to look after all the kids. There was some technical instruction (attacking a person who has turtled up ha!) and then a ton of fun grappling related games and drills. My kids finished the class beaming and eager for more!

Kids being kids, I have no idea if my two will keep up with judo long term but for now, I'm so chuffed they've taken their very first baby steps onto the tatami.


Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Meerkatsu/~3/4f9jkQ6Gb-0/my-kids-begin-grappling-journey-sort-of.html

san jose bjj san jose jujitsu san jose jiujitsu

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