Friday, October 5, 2012

Charity: 24 Hour Grapplethon for Meningitis UK

For better or worse I've decided to take part in a 24 hour grapplethon organised by my friend Can Somnez (of Slideyfoot blogging fame) to help raise funds for Meningitis UK.

As a parent one of the very first things I am paranoid about whenever one of my children gets mysteriously ill, is to check signs for meningitis. For good reason too as meningitis comes in so many forms and can be deadly. Read more about the disease here - Meningitis UK.

I have decided to lend my support to Can's 24 hour grapplethon in several ways. First, as you can see above, I designed a t-shirt. Tatami Fightwear very kindly offered sponsorship and printed a limited number of these t-shirts which will be given to most of the participants in the grapplethon. I also have a few in my possession which I would love to give away to those who personally sponsor me (I'll pick 5 or 6 at random).

The other way in which I am helping to support the event is to take part myself. I doubt I'll be able to roll for the full 24 hours but I'm aiming to do as much as I can. The grapplethon begins at 9am on Saturday 22nd September and will continue until 9am Sunday morning. Can mentioned that we'll divide into mini teams, each team sharing rolling duties for a set period of time until they flag and then another takes over while the others rest and then we roll again. The process will continue for as long as we can. The whole event will be streamed over the internet in case you are interested in seeing how we fare (especially in the difficult wee hours of the morning!)

Thanks to Gracie Barra Bristol for donating their mat space for the event. If you want to chip in a few quid towards our effort, my ow sponsor donation page is here:

If you are a UK tax payer, please tick the GIFT AID box.

Thank you, and wish me luck!



BJJ san jose bjj san jose jujitsu

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