Thursday, May 31, 2012

Royce Gracie Seminar - SOLD OUT!


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Anniversary...kind of


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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-12-25

happy holidays!! # Bookmark and share this post: More »Post from: my BJJ blogTwitter Weekly Updates for 2009-12-25 Related posts:Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-10-02 Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-10-09 Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-10-16

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-12-25


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Q3 London BJJ Women?s Open Mat: 29 July 2012 at RGA Kilburn

Date: 29 July 2012 Time: 13:00-16:00 Location: Roger Gracie Academy Kilburn Address: 307-309 Kilburn High Rd, London NW6 7JR (nearest tube Kilburn) Cost: Free Our Q3 2012 London BJJ Women?s Open Mat will be held on Sunday 29 July 2012 and will be hosted by Kat Gibson and the fine folks at RGA Kilburn. We [...]


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De La Riva guard to the back


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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Animal Drill Workout

click player to close                      Initially, you should follow the order listed in the video. Then when you have done at least one cycle and feel warm you can do them in any order you want. Feel free to also add your own movements and be creative – make this drill fun. And finally, try [...]


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Marc Walder Seminar - SOLD OUT!


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Storm Kimonos ?Sakura? Women?s BJJ Gi Review

sakura: ornamental cherry tree indigenous to many Asian states including China, India, Japan, and Korea. ~ Wikipedia The ‘Sakura’ women’s BJJ gi is one of two women’s kimono recently released by premium gi-maker Storm Kimonos. Storm has collaborated with Angelica Galvao to develop their new women’s line and they have brought a couple beautiful, feminine, [...]


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2012, A New Beginning with a Fitness Challenge!


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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-04-23

It's been about six months since I last trained… I miss it, but not enough to go back. Time/money is the biggest factor. # Bookmark and share this post: More »Post from: my BJJ blogTwitter Weekly Updates for 2010-04-23 Related posts:Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-01-22 Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-25 Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-04-30

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-04-23


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Choke from knee on belly variation


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ATM Debit Card Fraud - It's what's for dinner.


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Grab it by the throat and Jiu-Jitsu it into submission!


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Grappler's Quest National Championships in Las Vegas


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Sunday, May 27, 2012

2009 Pan Jiu Jitsu Championships Day 3


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Gi Review: Zombie Kimonos 550

With cool branding and a good fit, this gi has a lot of potential however it could do with a few significant tweaks, notably the itchy tape lining, loose threads and rapidly deteriorating inner screen print.

I've always found it odd when companies brand themselves after strong pop-culture imagery and then refuse to carry any of those images on their apparel. Zombie Kimonos is one such brand. Have a look at their website - you won't see a single zombie image on there. Sure the biohazard symbol kind of alludes to it, but it irked me so much that last year, when the owner of Zombie Kimonos contacted me offering a gi for review, I suggested I would do it only if they would at least make a patch with a zombie on it. That patch design is here, only, it's not been made yet. so Zombie Kimonos at present, remains zombie-less. Regardless, it seems the emphasis with the brand is less about zombies, more about raising funds to support jiu jitsu athletes. As the About Us section states:

" I created this company out of my passion for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu as well as my hope and vision to one day one day "Give Back to Jiu-Jitsu" by helping compensate the top level athletes of our sport and sponsor new and upcoming talent."

Giving back is a laudable aim and I commend that for a mission statement. Now let's get on with the review...

Size, Stats, Shrinkage and Other Info for A1

Sizes in centimetres brand new v three 40 degree washes
A: 163cm / 157cm
B: 75cm / 73cm
C: 53cm / 52cm
D: 16.5cm / 16cm
E: 50cm / 48cm
F: 92cm / 89cm
G: 20.5cm / 19.5cm
Jacket Weight = 1.1Kg
Trouser Weight = 0.5Kg
My stats: Height 167cm, Weight 59Kg
Made in: Pakistan
Price: $149.99 (white) / $159.99 blue or black

Wingspan is always a concern of mine with A1 gis. Happily, at 157centimetres wide, the Zombie 550 has a very good length on it that suits my long arms. This is very much in line with models such as the Tatami Fightwear Estilo, Kingz Kinonos and Gameness Elite. Many A1 gis in the past have measured much shorter than that. Torso length and width are perfectly fine and fit me well. The trousers are less of an ideal fit for me. The length of 89 centimetres is much shorter than other models - the Estilo for example (96cm), or the Bull Terrier Limited Edition (94cm) - but not wholly out of fit for me. Most other brands measure around the 90 centimetre mark - eg Ronin Insignia (91cm) or the Kingz Kimonos (89-91cm).

Overall the zombie is cut very well and fits me pretty well. Weighing 1.6Kg it is not the lightest gi on the market but does not feel heavy.

The Zombie 550 jacket is made from cotton pearlweave fabric. It's a little rough at first but softens after a few washes.

The collar has a rubber core and is covered with ripstop cotton. It seems a little thin and more flexible than the average gi to me.                

Side vents are lined with red coloured twill tape and reinforced with ripstop cotton patch.

Inside the jacket is a very large screen printed patch. It deteriorated rapidly following the first couple of washes. Large flakes of print came off and left ink stains on the inner surface.

I observed a couple of small areas where the stitching has come apart on the front panel. This may affect long term durability at a key gripping point.

The seam tape covering the inside cuffs are very scratchy. If I did not wear long sleeve rashguard this would be a very big problem for me - to the point that I will not wear a gi with scratchy tape. Other gi brands have shown that it IS possibly to use tape that does not scratch (either as twice folded piece of woven fabric or a different material).

The sleeves of the gi jacket have embroidered Zombie logos. These are lovely and very well woven, although I worry that the placement on the right arm might just fall foul of IBJJF rules. If you observe their gi patch chart here, you'll note that patches are allowed on the shoulder and bicep/tricep but anything going past the elbows is dodgy ground. On me, the logo runs all the way down my humerus bone and just partially over my forearm. I'm sure this would be fine but it would be extra nice to get this clarified by an official of the IBJJF.

I have already mentioned the flaking patch on the inside of the jacket. I feel that a large design here is a great touch for artists such as myself, but application and durability are more important - unless the faded look is intended.

The Zombie 550 trousers are made from ripstop cotton. They're pretty light but there is the slight feeling of ripstop stiffness to their texture which I'm not a huge fan of. Despite this, they did not seem to annoy me as much as other ripstop fabrics have in the past.

The rope drawstring is a plus in my opinion - I much prefer rope to flat cords. The contrast coloured loops (6 in total) are a nice touch.

The crotch/gusset panel is made from pearlweave fabric same as the jacket. I have noticed many gis recently using this configuration - I presume this is to add strength to an area under stress during training.

The knee reinforcements are interesting - sandwiched between the two ripstop layers is, from what I can gather, a layer of pearlweave fabric. This makes the knees a little bit padded. It is a shame however that the triple lining could not be extended right down to the ankles as it seemed a wee bit short to me. When kneeling on the mat, the lining barely covered my knees, which kinda defeats the point.

The base ankle seams have the same scratch tape. It is less irritating than on the wrists.

Rolling Performance
I received this gi in December and have had ample time to roll and really test this gi out. The fit, as mentioned before, is very good for my personal body size stats. I like the length of the sleeves and though the trousers could do with a couple more centimetres (I prefer length around 93-95cm) it was perfectly wearable. The ripstop material of the trousers were okay - not my favourite material but not the worst I have sampled.

I'm worried about the loose front panel stitches. These are not cosmetic loose ends of excess threads - they were threads coming undone from the triple stitched front chest panel - a crucial stress zone on the gi.

The Zombie 550 is the second generation of gis from the Zombie Kimonos brand. I feel it needs a fair bit of work to make it worthy of the price tag. $149 equates to roughly �95 in British money. Not the most expensive gi but there many that cost less. Certain aspects that I have highlighted in this review can easily be changed or ignored as they are cosmetic, but I feel the patch placement on the right arm needs to be checked with the IBJJF to confirm if it is comp legal and I suggest removing or replacing the scratchy cuff taping.

DISCLOSURE: This review represents my own opinions and I report on this as fairly and unbiased as I can. I submitted artwork to Zombie Kimonos in the past as part of my activities as a freelance illustrator. I am unconnected with this particular product.



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ADCC 2011 ABSOLUTE FINALE ? Andre Galvao VS Pablo Popovitch


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BJJ Sundays


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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Leaving the Bush for the Country


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Upcoming In-House Tournament


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Article: Gi Aftercare Guide

The following article was written by me and first published in Issue 2 of Jiu Jitsu Magazine. It is reproduced here with kind permission of Jiu Jitsu Magazine.


By Seymour Yang

It is quite possibly the worst scenario that any jiu jitsu enthusiast can experience - the just-bought gi that shrank too much. There can be no worse feeling than, after spending hours of research time and spending possibly hundreds of dollars on a new uniform, for it to end up being too small or in fact the opposite - a gi that refuses to shrink and is still too large after you wash it. Most gi companies will not return or exchange your gi after you have used it if there is nothing faulty with it. So how should one look after a gi after it has been bought?

Size and fabric
As discussed in Issue One of Jiu Jitsu Magazine, the type of fabric or weave that a BJJ gi is composed of can affect the amount of shrinkage it can experience. Gis made from fabric that have been pre-treated (see panel on Mercerization and Sanforization treatments) suffer the least shrinkage. Most gis labelled ?pearl weave? are pre-treated and experience minimal shrinkage regardless of wash and dry temperature. Other gis, such as many brands of gold weave cotton and judo style single weave cotton, experience slightly greater degree of shrinkage. Many experienced gi buyers talk of ?shrinking to fit? and often advise to buy a ?size up? from the normal size. This advice is useful for some gi brands, less so with others. It?s a pretty difficult area to judge because each brand - the way it is cut, the material used and the way it is pre-treated, can differ markedly from each other. 

I like it the way it is
For most jiu jitsu students, buying a gi at their correct size as stated on the gi maker?s charts seems the most logical thing to do. In general, assuming your body shape is not hugely outside of the normal range of limb, torso and height sizes, you will get a gi that fits well, even after many washes. However, to ensure that the gi stays that way, washing each time at 30 degrees Celsius and then air drying (not under boiling hot weather) is highly recommended. In fact, if you observe the care label on the actual gi you?ll very rarely see a wash temperature higher than 30 degrees and you most certainly  will hardly see a recommendation to tumble dry. The main reason for this, as manufacturers often state, is due to the increased risk of fabric damage when their products are washed and dried at high temperatures. The longevity of most gis, it would seem, is cut much shorter when frequently washed at higher temperatures.

Honey I shrank the gi
Many years ago, the majority of BJJ uniforms on the market  were not pre-treated, so users were often advised to buy a size up in the hope that it would shrink over time (under regular wash temperatures) to end up being the right size. Most users preferred to speed up the process by first washing at a high temperature and then proceeding to tumble dry the item at the highest setting - checking every five minutes or so until the uniform reduced in size to satisfaction. Uniforms that are not pre-treated can be shrunk in this way and it is feasible to achieve quite a remarkable degree of shrinkage. Be aware however that most gi makers do not recommend high temperatures for their products, so you shrink to fit at your own risk.

Monkeying around
If only gis would shrink equally in all directions, then most people?s lives would be simpler. But owing to the direction of the weave, most gis shrink much more along the width (known as the weft) than they do along the length (known as the warp). So often, after washing, you will notice that the gi has shrunk much more horizontally along the sleeve lengths and torso width than it has done when measuring vertically down the jacket length.
The potential problem here is that people with long arms may end up with a gi that fits good everywhere except along the sleeve lengths. If the space between the ends of the sleeve cuffs and the beginning of your wrist bone extend further than three fingers widths, it may fall foul of the gi-checker at a major BJJ tournament.

To avoid a new gi suffering from oddly-proportioned shrinkage patterns, it is probably a good idea to wash the gi at a low temperature over several washes and monitor the shrinkage pattern. It is still possible to use the high heat drying method to obtain more shrinkage out of the garment at a later stage. But the cold wash method, although slower in obtaining decent shrinkage, at least allows you to avoid making a costly error.

Other options to consider are tailoring services. When buying a gi size up from your standard frame, even after high heatwashing and drying, quite often the body and leg lengths are too long (due to the warp and weft differences described above). In such cases, as long as the sleeve cuffs are of an acceptable length, it might be advisable to take the gi to a tailors to have the body or trouser length shortened. Do ensure you inform the tailor that the folds must be stitched to withstand rigorous pulling and, if possible, reinforce these seams with extra tape.

Colour Me Bad
Most new coloured gis will run some of the dye when you first wash it so obviously, don?t put your squeaky clean white underwear in with your ruby red gi! Most gis these days will retain their dye quite well and fade slowly over time with each subsequent wash. Some gi brands recommend the use of a colour fixative, or soaking the gi in a tub of vinegar and other household agents. It?s possible this will help lock in some of the excess dye, but the effect is probably negligible over time. Some folk even like wearing a heavily distressed and faded out gi to class to possibly evoke the air of someone who has been training a long long time.

Of course wearing a white gi will avoid all the problems associated with dyed gis, but then there is the problem of a white gi picking up dirt easily and looking extremely grey over time, no matter how hard you wash it. Applying bleach to whiten up a tired old gi is definitely not the solution. The bleach will weaken the cotton fibres and render your old faithful into a shredded mess soon enough. Dyeing your gi a new colour could bring new life to an old uniform but if it really has outlasted its lifespan, then it?s time to retire that gi...

When Gis Die
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, by its very nature, is an activity that will place huge demands on the uniform. A good gi should last several years of hard and frequent usage. In Brazil, many hardcore practitioners will train three times a day..with only just one or two gis in their possession! Luckily the hot weather (on most days) helps to dry out their gis fast and the hot sun, so many believe, helps sterilise their gi against bacterial and fungal colonisation. The fact that such gis end up parched and rough like sandpaper is often seen as a beneficial side effect!

Sadly, not everywhere in the world is blessed with Brazilian sunshine so the rest of us must rely on a washing machine, a dryer and copious use of detergents and softeners. Over time however, some gis just simply die. They either get ripped up or shrink too much or even just smell too funky. When that time comes, it is probably best to lay your gi to rest and get a new one. Only question is...which gi? 

Your brand new gi has undergone a myriad of treatment processes to ensure it looks good and is tough yet comfortable enough for the job. Here is a brief summary of pre-treatment techniques.

Bleaching - natural cotton is actually a rather unattractive grey colour. Bleaching makes it white, ready to be dyed another colour, or kept as a white gi.

Dyeing - Ever dye your own clothes? It?s a laborious process consisting of mixing, stirring, waitnig, stirring etc etc. Well imagine the same process but on an industrial scale!

Mercerization - is a process where cotton is treated in caustic soda. The process makes cotton easier to absorb dye molecules and strengthens its fibres. Interestingly, the process also gives the garment a slight sheen, hence the name ?pearl weave? on many gi brands. 

Sanforization - is a physical process that tugs, pulls and stretches the cotton fabric before washing and drying. The process prevents shrinkage in the final garment, with some gi makers claiming as little as 1% or even less!

Odor Control 

Man! What?s that funky smell? Oh, it?s my gi, sorry. Seriously though guys, there?s really no need to wear a smelly gi to class. That smell is a by-product from the millions of microbes that love to munch on the fluids exuding from your sweat pores. The key to eliminating those odors is to eliminate the bugs.

Here are ten suggestions: 
1. Wash after every training session and dry your gi properly before folding it away. Seems obvious but packing a damp gi into your gear bag or folded up in your wardrobe is creating a haven for bugs to cultivate. 

2. Every now and again, give the gi a hot wash (60 degrees), assuming you are confident it will not shrink further than it has done already. Most bugs are killed in hot water, although it is useful to know that 65 degrees is the hospital standard for clean laundry. 

3. Add some vinegar to your wash. A little acetic acid upsets microbes and helps neutralise hard to get rid of odors. 

4. Toast the gi ? you could try an oven but I suggest a few minutes at high heat (when the gi is dry) in the tumble dryer might do the trick. Careful not to melt the rubber lapel core. 

5. Use fragranced washing powder and fabric softeners along with products that release oxygen to ?bleach? out stains as these also act as disinfectants. Do not use chlorine bleach as this will weaken the gi fabric. 

6. Pop a fragranced tumble dryer sheet into your gear bag. 

7. Spray it with a little fabric deodorant. 

8. Freeze your gi ? rinse the gi after training, seal it in an air tight bag, store it in a freezer then wash it the next day. Weird I know, but some say it really does work! 

9. Add some Borax ? this handy household product is a miracle cleaning agent and will kill the bugs lurking in your gi. It?s a bit toxic though so handle with care. 

10. Baking soda ? another handy household item, baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) is an effective cleaner and is non-toxic.



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Roberto ?Cyborg? Abreu ? NOGI Seminar Techniques


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Friday, May 25, 2012

A generation of participation trophies, ribbons, and now...BJJ Belts? (pt 1)


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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-07-23

RT @bjjradio: photo of Macarrao receiving red & black belt last night, courtesy of @graciemag… in reply to bjjradio # Bookmark and share this post: More »Post from: my BJJ blogTwitter Weekly Updates for 2010-07-23 Related posts:Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-25 Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-01-22 Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-10-02

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-07-23


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Mike Chun wins at NAGA Hawaiin Open


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New Female Black Belt at Fifty/50!!


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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Cody McKenzie?s modified guillotine choke

Here is an instructionnal about the Cody McKenzie’s modified guillotine choke. You can watch the fight from The Ultimate Fighter HERE click player to close                     


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Getting collar choked at NTT...


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On the Mat Day 255: Blue Belts Only


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Reddit?s Technique of the Month

I recently became a moderator on so I could reboot their Technique of the Month project. With help from the redditors, we came up with a new format for the TOTM that would encourage more discussion and community participation.

March is Mad Flow Month, focusing on chaining techniques into submissions. Here’s the video I shot for Week 2: Sweeps into Submissions:

Here are the weekly topics:


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Marcelo Garcia teaching 7/7


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Monday, May 21, 2012

Friday, May 18, 2012

What Your BJJ Instructor is Looking For


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Wales Seminar Review


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Grappler's Quest National Championships in Las Vegas


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How Martial Arts Instructors Can Give More


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Myopic BJJ - on being short sighted and rolling

That was the cry that greeted me as I walked into training tonight. Well, my learned friends, that thing on my face is the very latest in cool sports eyewear - the PROGEAR EYEGUARD. It is an all polycarbonate pair of prescription spectacles that are, in the words of my optician, practically bullet proof!

I'm not going to review them by testing his claim, that would cost me �300 in shattered glasses but I can at least describe my experience wearing them in BJJ class...

First, I should point out that I am pretty badly short sighted. We're talking -6 in each eye. I wore daily disposables for years but one day I just stopped wearing them. I got fed up with fiddling trying to put them in each eye and wasting time as the class was beginning. It doesn't help that my eyes are very dry and the contacts get very uncomfortable after an hour or so. So I just gave them up. Instead I wore my normal glasses to the class and took them off when practising technique or rolling. On each occasion I would laboriously fold up the specs and pop them in the case, then look around finding a suitably uncluttered shelf to place them. Several times I have forgotten where I put them and had to ask for help. Once 'blind' I really cannot see much further than my own hand. People across the room may be smiling or beckoning to me, but I don't notice it and they probably walk away thinking I am rude.

There are role models aplenty for us myopia sufferers in the fashion, music and film world. In BJJ, there aren't that many, but two very well known exponents of the art of short sighted jiu jitsu are Paulo and Jo�o Miyao:


A prescription as bad as mine is really pushing the limits for these wrap around style sports specs. But man, they're tough. Designed for sports athletes to wear while taking part in high impact activities such as squash, basketball, tennis, football etc I wanted to see if they would be suitable for BJJ?

The quick answer is not really. I mean I can wear them while rolling - the velcro strap on the back stops the glasses slipping off my head - but they just feel really awkward and my instinct whenever my partner is cross facing me or using his shoulder of justice is to wince and think Oh my not my precious glasses! So I end up taking them off anyway. Another side effect of the close fitting wrap around shape is that my sweat condenses on the lens inside forming an annoying misty fog.

So were they a waste of money? Well no. I bought them without any intention of actually rolling in them. I wanted a pair of glasses that I could whip on and off in class without having to faff around with my glasses box or worrying someone might sit on them or tread on them etc. Another possibly image enhancing side effect is that they look uber cool and I feel like a rock star or famous Dutch footballer, Edgar Davids.

Edgar wore his protective goggles not because of his short sight (he may have short sight, I'm not sure) but because of his glaucoma. They also made him look badass.

Sadly I suspect my own appearance is somewhat less badass, but hey, at least I can see my instructor now.

What others do
So last week I posted a question on my Facebook page about what other short sighted BJJ folk do when they go training. Here are a select few comments that reveals a variety of solutions and situations to a common problem:

Baz Lewis: I've more recently worn glasses in class, chucking them to the side when rolling because it can become a nuisance trying to get in front of everyone when trying to see drills.

Bertie Pocket Fighter-Pretara: i have the habit of grappling with my eyes closed even though i wear glasses, i just dont have a bad enough sight, blindfolded grappling is the way forward! 

Conor Eaton-Smith: [I'm] -11 and -10.5. Have to wear contacts which dry out (not a problem training as they go in 30 minutes before) but they do come out often just rolling. Laser isn't an option, but intra ocular surgery is for me. At the cost of thousands per eye!

Bri Reid: I was short sighted before starting BJJ and while Thai Boxing (loads of fun not seeing all the punches coming lol). Ended up getting wavefront laser surgery and it is honestly the best money I have ever spent :-)

Allen Esp: I'm pretty shortsighted, I don't think it has affected my Jiu Jitsu too much, it is just when people try to make eye contact across the dojo in the "wanna roll?" manner that I don't pick up on it.

Mary Gosnell I was born with ocular albinism. Which means that I have no pigment in my hair, skin, teeth or eyes. With out my glasses and sometimes even with them I have a hard time getting around. But I have also been training bjj for 10 year, I wear my glasses for demonstrations and some times calisthenics but when I am grappling I don't wear them and usually grapple with my eyes closed. Most of my team mates know that I cant see so the will approach me and ask to grapple. Other than that no major issues have come about it ... accept that they wont let me in a cage that is lol ...

Thanks to everyone who contributed on Facebook to my straw poll of comments. Next time you bump in to me at a tournament or seminar, if I am not wearing my funky goggles, then try shouting, VERY LOUD so I know you are talking to me hee hee :)



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